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Auto Accident? Receive Injury Treatment Today| Clearwater

Auto Accident? Receive Injury Treatment Today| Clearwater

Traditional medicine is not always the way to go and people are really starting to understand the benefits of the alternatives. Chiropractic care is extremely beneficial for auto accident treatment. Coastal Chiropractic’s staff is trained and experienced to relieve you of pain and support long-term healing.

What Is Chiropractic Treatment?

Chiropractic treatment describes the process of spinal manipulation among other treatments. When you see a chiropractor in clearwater they’re committed to finding the root of the problem instead of just giving you medication to mask symptoms. People seek chiropractic care for many reasons including auto accident injury treatment.

Auto Accident Injury Treatment

Being in a car accident is scary and the healing process can be stressful. Luckily though Coastal Chiropractic can offer you a drug-free way to relieve pain. Some of the most common injuries that happen in a car accident that can be treated by a chiropractor are,

  • Whiplash
  • Back pain
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Spinal injuries
  • Muscle soreness

If you’re experiencing pain after a car accident its crucial to get auto accident treatment. Spinal injuries can cause chronic pain and negatively impact your health.

What Happens To Your Body During An Auto Accident?

When you get into a car accident the force of the accident knocks the musculoskeletal system out of alignment. Something similar happens when you experience whiplash. The force of your neck “whipping” forward or backwards can mess up your spine and have you in a lot of pain. Additionally most symptoms won’t show up right away, so its imperative to immediately seek treatment immediately after an accident.

Benefits Of Auto Accident Treatment

When you receive chiropractic treatment after a car accident your body will thank you. Your soft tissue pain is relieved and your mobility increases. When you’re sore from an accident you often times feel stiff. Coastal Chiropractic in Clearwater is here to get you moving quickly and regain your full range of motion. Not to mention seeing a chiropractor will support long-term healing. Re-injury is common because your body weakens from the damage. However, chiropractic care will strengthen your muscles decreasing the chance of another injury.

Contact Coastal Chiropractic Today

Improve your health and mobility after an auto accident today. Give Coastal Chiropractic in clearwater a call at 727-5812-774 or contact them online for any further questions.

Reach New Limits with a Chiropractor for Athletes

Reach New Limits with a Chiropractor for Athletes

People dealing with consistent pain or who have trouble finding relief with discomfort that is not treatable or manageable without medications should seek the care of a chiropractor. Active individuals who want to avoid medicines that make them sluggish or slow can instead rely on a chiropractor for athletes. Active people benefit from non-invasive and painless treatments that strengthen areas of injury.

Chiropractic medicine has been a point of debate in the past, but not so much in the modern day. Extensive research demonstrates that alternative physical therapies like chiropractic treatment are better for the body. Individuals can also improve and strengthen their body to prevent injuries. A chiropractor for athletes focuses on the overall health of the body, particularly the spine.

Neurostructural Shifts

When you understand how the spine plays a role in the body’s function, you can better protect it from neurostructural shifts. The spine receives damage in many ways such as trauma, heavy stress, or bad posture. Regardless of how it happens, a neurostructural shift — a kink along the spine — can form. Since they are not always apparent at first, many people live with the pain for a long time without correction. Athletes with symptoms of a neurostructural shift should seek treatment as soon as possible. Neurostructural shifts, also known as subluxations, are better found early on and treated right away. A proper routine of care, physical therapy, and non-structural corrections from a chiropractor for athletes can keep you performing in top shape.

Injuries that Benefit from a Chiropractor for Athletes

While you are moving and twisting around, you can injure different parts of your body. Those who have muscle pain that feels like it is stretching too tightly may be suffering from muscular adhesion. This occurs from overuse and straining of the muscles. While we do not think of exercise as tearing our body, it does so on a small level. Repetitive straining without rest can cause muscle tissue to stick to the surrounding area. It can also happen from improper healing of injuries like broken ankles. Athletes, regardless of their sport, should pay attention to signs from their body. Do not treat potential physical damage as something to take care of later when a chiropractor for athletes can relieve your discomfort now.

How Chiropractors Can Reduce Pain and Inflammation

Athletes can damage their body, and their spinal column in particular, in a variety of ways. Swinging a golf over and over or deadlifting heavy weights can lead to injury. Even though our body is made to withstand motion and stress, it still needs maintenance, and accidents happen. A muscle tear can result in sharp, hot pain and spasms, which are clear indicators of a strain. Chiropractors for athletes offer wellness services such as massage therapy, which can increase blood circulation. Those with inflammation and lower back pain can visit a chiropractor to reduce these discomforts.

How the Spine Affects Your Body When Damaged

A chiropractor for athletes can be of particular assistance in cases involving spinal subluxation. While you may not think of the spine in relation to inflammation in other areas of the body, the spinal cord actually does transport important signals throughout your body. That means issues along some regions of the spine can result in a wide variety of symptoms elsewhere. After an auto accident, many victims report neck pains and tingling sensations in their extremities. This condition, known as whiplash, can disrupt the upper vertebrae that are responsible for nerves in the neck, arms, and hands. Accident victims and athletes alike can benefit from the routine care of a chiropractor.

When Should You Hire an Accident Chiropractor?

When Should You Hire an Accident Chiropractor?

Have you been part of an accident with reoccurring pain that does not improve with medication? Then alternative physical therapy may be the right course of action for you. Alternative methods of pain relief, like visiting an accident chiropractor, can reduce the pain while improving overall health. Accident victims can see an accident chiropractor to benefit from the numerous positive effects of chiropractic treatment. Benefits of chiropractic care include:

  • Improvements in range of motion
  • Enhancements in cardiac system and lung function
  • Correction of posture and misalignments along the spine
  • Reduction in inflammation
  • Better circulation and oxygenation within the body

After an accident, many people hesitate to get the proper help they need for their injuries. This, however, is not always the fault of the individual. One major factor to be wary of is the potential for long-term pain. The stress and intensity of the situation can mean that adrenaline limits the amount of pain felt at the time of the accident. Also known as delayed injuries, you may feel the true extent of the damage much later. Meanwhile, more damage can be created without notice. Injuries should not be treated lightly. Nor should victims go entirely without treatment. Conditions like whiplash can take days or weeks to fully develop and show symptoms; therefore, it is best to visit an accident chiropractor as soon as you can after the incident.

An Accident Chiropractor Can Help with Multiple Conditions

When conducting studies on the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment, researchers found that consistent treatment was the most useful for health. Current polling puts the number of Americans who visit chiropractors at over 35 million. Many people do not want to use prescription medication and would rather go a drug-free route. Consistent treatment from an accident chiropractor can help pain sufferers avoid expensive prescriptions by promoting natural healing. Chiropractic treatments can benefit conditions like:

  • Ankle sprains
  • Lower-back pain
  • Muscle spasms
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Muscular adhesion
  • Joint inflammation

Staying in shape and strengthening the body can also improve the body’s natural functions. Ensuring that an injury properly heals can help improve overall health and reduce the chances of future complications with the injury. Some patients may develop muscular adhesion due to an injury if they do not receive the right care.

Accident Injury Chiropractor

Accident Injury Chiropractor

Getting into an accident is often one of the hardest experiences someone can go through. While a victim may believe that they are fine, they cannot be sure without a proper medical examination. An accident injury chiropractor can ease the pains of your recovery. Also, with the right treatment, you can prevent future damage and catch problems early on. Injuries, particularly those of the spine, can be hard to discern without the right imaging technology and expertise.

Often, individuals may feel fine other than some slight tingling in the lower back or their extremities. However, this is a sign that the signals going through your spine may be experiencing disruptions. As time goes on without corrective treatment, the symptoms will not let up, and may even continue to worsen.

Visiting an experienced accident injury chiropractor can help you reduce the frequency and severity of your discomfort. In some cases, with treatment, the pain may even go away altogether. Conditions like muscle or tendon strains are often temporary and require proper healing and exercise to correct. Other injuries, such as spinal misalignments, can require corrective treatment. Depending on your situation, a couple of sessions can show improvements and quickly change your mental and physical wellbeing. If you were part of an accident that resulted in an injury, do not hesitate to contact an accident injury chiropractor.

How Effective is Treatment from An Accident Injury Chiropractor?

When medical professionals refer to modern or western medicine, they are merely referring to mainstream treatments. Modern medicine relates to the standard system of medical practice currently in use by hospitals and doctors. While chiropractic treatment, particularly non-traditional techniques, uses new information and technology, it does not rely on medication. If you are suffering from injuries, then researchers have good news for you. For decades, researchers have wondered if non-invasive chiropractic treatment can be an alternative to modern medicine and most agree that it has a significant positive effect.

With an accident injury chiropractor, patients can avoid dangerous surgeries and painkillers. With how expensive and detrimental certain painkillers can be, the idea of a more natural solution to specific injuries has always been of interest. If you do not want to rely on pills with harmful side effects, you can instead rely on a healthy alternative. Not only that, but chiropractic care can be even more effective than prescription medications in some instances. If medicine does not seem to work for you, then a natural treatment may be more efficient. While pain relief can be essential to healing, exercise and physical therapy are also crucial. An accident injury chiropractor can positively impact a patient’s rehabilitation. Using technology and physical therapy to improve health without invasive procedures makes it easier for patients to focus on their daily recovery.

Major Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment

Even though chiropractic treatment is beneficial because of non-invasive and effective methods, it also holds significant additional benefits. Seminole residents who consistently visit an accident injury chiropractor can experience:

  • Less pain and aches throughout the body
  • Improved movement and range of motion
  • Reduced joint inflammation
  • Increased blood flow and nerve function

By ridding the body of spinal misalignments, you can experience a variety of benefits. If you were in an accident, then chances are you may be experiencing lower back pain or other physical discomforts. While the cause for this discomfort may sometimes merely be soft tissue damage, an accident injury chiropractor may discover a spinal misalignment that will not go away without treatment. In fact, misalignments tend to grow more and more out of place and affect other vertebrae if not taken care of.

4 Injuries That Warrant Auto Accident Injury Treatment

4 Injuries That Warrant Auto Accident Injury Treatment

Car crashes and tapped bumpers are all too common in downtown St. Petersburg. Merge onto I-275 North and your chances of a collision increase. By no means are you in line for a fatality every time you step into your Honda, but having a resource for auto accident injury treatment is essential for recovery if you’ve been affected. Oftentimes, these instances warrant attention from a chiropractic care practitioner, but individuals are unaware of what they need. Internal and external injuries abound, no matter how small or significant the crash.

1. Back Pain

Whether you were sideswiped while merging onto the freeway or were lightly hit from behind by an unsuspecting driver in the Publix parking lot, it’s necessary to receive medical attention. Too many individuals ignore symptoms that indicate something is wrong, like:

  • Chronic discomfort
  • Persistent headaches
  • Limited range of motion
  • Numbness in arms or legs
  • Loss of muscle control

You may have a pinched nerve, a herniated disc, or periodic back spasms. Whatever the case, you need assistance in St. Petersburg! Collision or no, chiropractic care facilities are the place to go when you’re dealing with back discomfort.

2. Head Injuries

Once you’ve seen a medical practitioner to address brain damage and other neurological problems, make an appointment with a chiropractor for auto accident injury treatment. We encourage this because head injuries, though internal, are almost always accompanied by spinal complications. Don’t hinder progress and healing by not getting the help you need in St. Petersburg.

3. Soft Tissue Injuries

Contusions and sprains are among the most common soft tissue injuries. These bruises and strained tendons may be indicative of something deeper, like spinal misalignments. By choosing to see a chiropractor, you can receive an inspection, address any issues, and rule out possible problems. They may suggest massage or corrective exercises to help you regain strength.

4. Whiplash

After rear-ending incidents, many individuals show signs of whiplash. Unfortunately, too many people ignore the possibility of severe damage, believing that their soreness or stiffness is simply a byproduct of the crash that will fade in no time. In these circumstances, the impact of being hit from behind places enormous stress on the cervical spine. Without auto accident injury treatment, you will experience physical strain without end.

Bond Thomas Chiro Offers Auto Accident Injury Treatment

At Bond Thomas Chiropractic, our team is dedicated to serving Pinellas County families. If you or a family member has been in a car collision, make sure auto accident injury treatment is a priority for everyone involved in St. Petersburg. In addition to this service, we also offer:

Manual adjustments and the latest technologies promote spinal alignment, and we can assist you in making lifestyle changes that promote wellness. Call 727-522-1900 to schedule an appointment!

Why You Need Immediate Care for Car Accident Injuries

Why You Need Immediate Care for Car Accident Injuries

Whether your bumpers just barely grazed or you were in a full-on collision with other vehicles piled up, car accident injuries are very serious health risks that must receive attention immediately. Even the smaller incidents can leave a driver with cuts, bruises, or whiplash. The problem is, many injuries do not appear right away and can surface as much as weeks later, and drivers in Seminole forgo medical care at the time of the crash because they believe everything is okay. Instead of risking your long-term health, if you are involved in an accident, seek medical care right away, even if it turns out that you are simply a little shaken up.

Florida Law Requires Medical Care to be Received Within 14 Days

Beginning on January 1st, 2014, the State of Florida enacted a law that affects drivers’ personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. Per the statute, those involved in a motor vehicle accident must receive medical attention for their car accident injuries within 14 days of the incident in order to receive PIP benefits. If you wait longer than those 14 days, you will forfeit those benefits.

Whiplash Can Cause Undetected Damage

You may have felt pain from having your head whipped in one direction too rapidly, but whiplash from an automobile incident is even more severe. While driving, your vehicle is moving forward swiftly, and when an outside force collides with it, the laws of physics mean your body continues to move forward while the car stays behind. This is why wearing a seatbelt is so important, because it stops your body from flying forward through the windshield. However, your head is not protected by the seatbelt, and it will continue to accelerate forward even when the rest of your body is being restrained. This movement, the rapid thrash forward and back, is the root of whiplash. While you may imagine most car accident injuries as something you can see, such as cuts or scrapes, whiplash is an invisible injury that can lead to a host of issues.

Seeing a Doctor As Soon As Possible

With whiplash, you do not want to delay medical care in Seminole. A walk-in clinic ensures that you will be seen that day, which can help diagnose and treat car accident injuries immediately instead of delaying and allowing them to worsen. A chiropractor, someone who specializes in healing the spine and nervous system, is the perfect choice after an automobile crash because they can analyze the damage, begin healing your spine and prevent the effects of whiplash from taking over.

Visit Coastal Chiropractic’s Walk-In Clinic for Car Accident Injuries

If you have suffered car accident injuries in Seminole, do not delay — come to Coastal Chiropractic’s walk-in clinic for immediate attention and relief. Pain from motor vehicle crashes can go undetected for weeks, only to surface later on with a vengeance. To prevent this, visit a chiropractor as soon as possible to receive care and treatment before things get worse. You only have 14 days after a documented automobile incident to receive professional medical care if you want to receive coverage for PIP benefits, so visit a clinic in Seminole that offers same-day service. To learn more about Coastal Chiropractic, call us today at 727-581-2774.

Alleviate Your Auto Accident Injury Pain

Alleviate Your Auto Accident Injury Pain

When you’re hit from behind at the intersection of Central and 4th in St. Petersburg, your body will experience traumatic stress. Whether you were struck at high speed or the bumper was tapped, an auto accident injury may result in constant pain, as well as a weakened immune system. Relief might seem out of reach when you have an aching neck or foggy thinking, but we have some surefire methods that will help you relieve the discomfort.

See a Spinal Specialist Immediately

We suggest that you see a chiropractor who can assess your condition and apply manual adjustments to promote spinal alignment. The strain placed on the spine can lead to:

  • Whiplash
  • Migraines
  • Foggy thinking
  • Neck problems
  • Back pain

These will all persist unless they are corrected, so consult a chiropractic professional in St. Petersburg to assist you. By seeing a medical specialist, you can put a stop to the pain and keep your auto accident injury from getting worse.

Rest As Much As You Possibly Can

After a stressful event, you must take the time to rest. This can be challenging in the face of insurance claims and paperwork, but it will contribute to your recovery. Rest will alleviate your physical and mental stress, too.

Get a Massage

Too many people in St. Petersburg assume this is a spa treatment, but numerous medical professionals promote it. Massage is a terrific way to relieve tension and reduce tightness in your neck or back. It can also help you relax, which might not come easy after a frightening event. Our chiropractic facility offers this service, so you can schedule a massage to complement your spinal adjustments.

Consider the Benefits of Physical Therapy

Depending on the severity of your auto accident injury, you might be a candidate for physical therapy and corrective exercise. This treatment is active and assists with regaining your range of motion. Our chiropractor will teach you a set of individualized actions that you can complete on your own between appointments.

If You Have an Auto Accident Injury, Come to Bond Thomas

An auto accident injury will persist unless you treat it, so locate a spinal specialist in your area. At Bond Thomas Chiropractic, you can get the relief you need for the back pain or stiff neck. Don’t let the incident disrupt your life long-term in St. Petersburg. Rise above by seeking recovery and prioritizing your health! Call us at 727-522-1900 to set an appointment or learn about some of our additional services, like:

Whatever goals you’d like to accomplish, our range of services makes it possible!

Commuting Tips from a Chiropractor

Commuting Tips from a Chiropractor

You might live in Seminole but commute to downtown St. Pete, Dunedin, or even Tampa for work. Time spent behind the wheel can take a toll on your postural alignment, and you might discover that you have persistent:

  • Migraines
  • Neck or back pain
  • Aching or sore muscles
  • Tingling of the arms or legs

Such symptoms are aggravating and intrusive, but our chiropractor has some tips for healthier commuting. By making minor changes, you can reclaim your spinal health!

Empty Your Back Pockets

It might seem insignificant if your trip to work is only a few minutes long. However, whatever rests in your back pockets can change your spinal alignment, so take everything out before you settle in for your drive. Wallets and cell phones are among the most common, and sitting on these items contributes to back pain and poor posture. At our clinic in Seminole, we can conduct a postural screening to identify specific complications regarding your standing and seated posture.

Create Lumbar Support

Few seats will support every person’s lower back. Varying heights and statures will alter the effectiveness of the vehicle’s seat formation, so it is up to the driver to create lumbar support. There are commercial pillows you can purchase, but you can use household items to complete the desired effect. Our chiropractor suggests using a small pillow or a rolled up towel. These are things you probably have on hand and can put to use on your next drive.

Stay in Motion

A professional chiropractor will stress the importance of movement, regardless of where you’re sitting. Whether you’re in the office, on an airplane, or driving on I-275, you need to alter your hand and leg positioning every now and then. The movement will increase your blood circulation while staving off fatigue, which is always helpful on a long drive.

Employ Diversions

If you have a history of back or neck issues, commuting can aggravate the problem. Employ diversions to occupy your mind and distract you from the discomfort. Whether you select an engaging podcast to listen to, pick out a book on tape from the Seminole Community Library, or sing along to the radio, there are multiple ways to keep your thoughts off the aches and strains.

See Our Chiropractor for Pain Relief

At Coastal Chiropractic, you can make positive changes for your health and happiness! Our chiropractor, Dr. Marc Rogers, offers walk-in clinic services, exercise rehabilitation, nutritional counseling, postural screenings, and lifestyle advice. Get in touch to schedule an appointment in Seminole by calling 727-581-2774!

4 Auto Accident Care Essentials

4 Auto Accident Care Essentials

After an incident on US 19 in Clearwater, you need auto accident care immediately. Yes, there are sure to be claims and paperwork to file with insurance, but you shouldn’t overlook your personal health. Many experience:

  • Whiplash
  • Herniated discs
  • Lower extremity injuries
  • And more

If untreated, these conditions will become worse, which is why you need these four essentials.

Walk-In Clinic

Access to a medical professional in Clearwater is crucial to your recovery. A chiropractic walk-in clinic will serve you best because you can arrive without an appointment and get help that day. If you aren’t already established with a doctor who can monitor your auto accident care, it can take weeks to get in. Many insurance companies need proof that you sought medical attention within ten days of the incident. This is why a chiropractic walk-in clinic is essential— you jumpstart your treatment right away and combat any injuries that you have accrued.

Chiropractor Who Specializes in Auto Accident Care

While some in Clearwater may say they “walked away without a scratch,” few individuals who have been in a car crash make it out without affecting their spine. A tap to the bumper can misalign the spine, and a high-speed collision can lead to fatal results. Severe headaches, stiff necks, and sore backs can start to interfere with your life. Locate a chiropractor who specializes in auto accident care. Their experience with these types of injuries will make it possible to identify the source of your pain.


Massage is essential because it is the perfect complement to chiropractic auto accident care. If joints are placed under stress, the muscles surrounding them can become inflamed. It makes sense that, after a crash, your body is tense. A massage can help relieve tightness and help the body relax. Some chiropractic facilities even have massage therapists on site.

Physical Therapy and Corrective Exercises

Another essential is physical therapy, which many chiropractors near Clearwater offer. These corrective exercises are designed to help you recover from the injury and, ultimately, regain strength and mobility. You can locate stretches and exercises on websites, but you won’t know how to target your specific sources of pain. Teaming with a professional will ensure a quicker recovery than if you do it on your own.

Come to Coastal Chiropractic After the Incident

If you’ve been in a collision, come to Coastal Chiropractic’s walk-in clinic as soon as you can. This is the best place to start your treatment, and Dr. Marc Rogers can steer those in Clearwater in the right direction. Our chiropractic facility provides hands-on adjustments, as well as auto accident care, massage, and nutritional counseling. Call 727-581-2774 to discuss treatment options!

3 Reasons to Seek Auto Accident Care

3 Reasons to Seek Auto Accident Care

As professionals in the chiropractic community, we understand the importance of auto accident care. However, some individuals in St. Petersburg may give their time and energy to paperwork and insurance claims. While these are matters that you need to deal with, you should also consider your personal health. There are companies out there to make those processes easier like Accelerated Medical Billing so you can focus on your health. Spinal injuries aren’t always obvious, at first, but the subsequent symptoms will begin to affect your everyday life. By seeking auto accident care, you will reduce present and future discomfort, recover more quickly, and improve your quality of life.

Pain Relief

The trauma caused by car crash injuries can interfere long after the incident. Whiplash and herniated discs make it difficult to engage in your daily routine in St. Petersburg, and misalignments can lead to chronic soreness. You may think the tightness or stiffness will go away with time, but it’s more likely you will become accustomed to the discomfort. That or you depend heavily on medications for relief. These are not satisfying long-term solutions. An experienced chiropractor will address your pain, and then they will focus on misalignments. This may take more than one session, but it will speed up the recovery process.

Quicker Recovery

The longer you delay auto accident care, the longer it will take you to recover in St. Petersburg. Dependency on pain medications will not speed things along, so it’s important to see a medical professional. They can help with:

  • Whiplash
  • Herniated discs
  • Sore neck or back
  • Tension headaches
  • Stiff joints and muscles

A chiropractor can guide your physical therapy, which promotes healing. Corrective exercises will help you regain motion and build strength.

Higher Quality of Life

By addressing your medical needs, you advocate for a higher quality of life in St. Petersburg. By ignoring injuries and misalignments, you put your health on the line. There is so much to enjoy about the Tampa Bay area, and the aches shouldn’t keep you from living an active lifestyle. Chronic pain will begin to affect your mental health, so consider how a chiropractor can help you.

Bond Thomas Chiropractic for Auto Accident Care

The professionals at Bond Thomas Chiropractic can handle your auto accident care. Don’t let the aftermath of a fender bender follow you for years to come. Instead, address the injuries immediately and experience pain relief, a quicker recovery, and a higher quality of life. Once your auto accident care treatment is complete, we can also assist clients with:

  • Physical therapy
  • Corrective exercises
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Health workshops
  • Massage

By utilizing this natural, drug-free approach, you will learn about how you can transform your lifestyle in St. Petersburg to promote healthy habits. Please reach out to us by calling 727-522-1900 to learn how we can assist you!