Understanding the Different Phases of the HCG Shots Protocol

Understanding the Different Phases of the HCG Shots Protocol

There are four distinct phases of the HCG diet protocol. You will only be taking HCG shots during one of these phases. Here is what to expect from each phase and how to tell them apart.

Phase One: Fat Loading (Pre-HCG Shots)

Before you begin taking HCG shots and eating a very low-calorie diet (VLCD), you will need to fat-load. The goal of this phase is to get a lot more fat into your system than usual. This is so that the hormone has something to latch onto and flush from the body, which it will then eliminate all your other fat stores.

Phase One consists of two to three days of consuming high-fat, high-calorie foods. Then, you’ll move on to Phase Two when the injections and diet begin.

Phase Two: HCG Shots & Weight Loss

During Phase Two, you will be eating a VLCD. This means 500 calories a day and no more. Eating so few calories will allow you to lose weight quickly, and the HCG shots will prevent you from being hungry, irritable, starving, losing muscle mass, and other unwanted side effects. You should feel comfortably satisfied eating only 500 calories a day as long as you are injecting your hormones at the proper dosage.

If, during this phase, you are eating in accordance with the diet protocol and taking your injections as directed, but haven’t lost weight, you will have an ‘apple day.’ Dr. Simeons stated that apple days involve a dieter eating apples exclusively for one day, up to six apples. This will help flush out any excess water and boost your weight loss. It is not recommended that you do this regularly, since you won’t get enough protein, which is important during this diet.

Phase Three: Stabilizing

Once you have completed Phase Two (which usually lasts three to six weeks), Phase Three is the weight stabilization phase. You want to make sure your body adjusts to your weight loss and doesn’t latch onto fat once you start reintroducing foods into your diet. This is still a very important part of the diet, though. Dr. Simeons suggested during this phase that the dieter avoid starches and sugars.

You’ll eat meats, fats, veggies, fruits, nuts, and dairy. Avoid starchy vegetables like potatoes and choose low-sugar fruits like berries, lemons, limes, grapefruit, or watermelon. You’ll consume a ‘normal’ number of calories during this time, and Phase Three lasts about three weeks. You can move on from Phase Three once your weight has been stable and consistently within two pounds (up or down) of your weight on the last day of HCG shots.

Phase Four: Maintenance

During Phase Four, you will add some starches and sugars to your diet and see how your body reacts. Don’t overdo it, and practice moderation. You’ll eventually be able to shift more towards your ‘normal’ diet, but remember that you should still make healthy choices. Eat real, whole foods in their most natural state, choose veggies and fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. This is a life-long phase as long as you make smart choices.

If you relapse and want to do another round of HCG shots, choose USHCGShots.com. This online pharmaceutical retailer offers the highest-quality products you can find on the market, and they deliver right to your door. Call them at (855) 862-9510 or contact them online to place your order.

The Top Benefits of Deer Antler Velvet

The Top Benefits of Deer Antler Velvet

There are many health benefits of deer antler velvet for individuals living in Clearwater. No matter your age, gender, or lifestyle, Cervidae extract can positively impact both your physical and mental well-being.

Benefits of Deer Antler Velvet for Clearwater Athletes

A wide variety of athletes rely on the benefits of deer antler velvet for many reasons. These include:

  • Improved endurance
  • Increased muscular strength
  • Decreased recovery time

In Clearwater, this additive makes for an effective aid in athletic training. For many years, athletes have claimed an increase in nerve and muscle strength from this dietary supplement.

It Can Improve the Health of Your Bones and Joints

This extract has been used for years for the of treating bone fractures. In the same way, it can strengthen bones. It provides collagen to the body, which supports joints. This can also reduce joint pain and inflammation. Individuals in Clearwater who take Cervidae extract can even experience osteoporosis reversal. Osteoporosis is a weakening of the joints caused by a loss of bone tissue as well as low bone mass, increasing the risk of fractures. With the addition of this supplement, the repairing of bone matter happens fast enough to restore cartilage and improve joint function.

Cervidae Extract Can Lower Your Blood Pressure

The many benefits of deer antler velvet also include positive effects on cells. Use of this supplement shows an increase in vessel dilation, which reduces blood pressure. It also raises the amount of oxygen that blood can carry.

In addition, this extract boosts the intake of iron in red blood cells. This is a helpful feature for those suffering from anemia. Cervidae extract is shown to improve cardiovascular health as a whole.

It Has Anti-Aging Qualities

This natural diet additive improves enzyme function in the liver and kidneys. At the same time, it hinders the activity of enzymes that are typically related to aging. Mental capacity is also improved thanks to the benefits of deer antler velvet for better cardiovascular function. Since blood flow experiences stimulation and increases, the flow of cells to the brain becomes healthier. These qualities, together with increased cartilage, highlight the anti-aging advantages of this extract.

Contact Clearwater Nutrition Lab to Feel the Benefits of Deer Antler Velvet

At Clearwater Nutrition Lab, we are dedicated to creating nutritional supplements based on whole food ingredients. We strive to provide health care professionals with nutritional products of the highest quality to help their patients live healthier, high-quality lives. For more information on our products, contact us online or call us at (813) 766-2289.

What Natural Sleep Supplements Can Do For You

What Natural Sleep Supplements Can Do For You

Poor slumber is something that many people in Clearwater struggle with. Natural sleep supplements can provide you with a good night’s rest, improving your life in other areas too.

Natural Sleep Supplements Can Improve Productivity

Getting enough rest raises cognitive function as well as improves concentration. Not enough slumber can also result in trouble thinking clearly. With natural sleep supplements from Clearwater Nutrition Lab, you will wake up feeling much more put together. Memory is also affected by tiredness, causing false memories to form and even accurate memories to be lost. By getting your full eight hours, you are improving brain function, allowing you to focus, remember, and think in a much better way than a tired person would be able to.

Supplements Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease

The development of many diseases show links to exhaustion and improper rest. While proper slumber will not provide total immune protection, it can lower your risk of heart disease as well as heart attacks.

During the night, the body experiences changes in blood pressure in addition to heart and breathing rates. This process is essential to cardiovascular health. Exhaustion can prevent the body from taking these steps, increasing the risk for cardiovascular diseases.

Sleep Supplements Provide Weight Loss Control

Many people in Clearwater suffer from weight problems. An easy but effective way to fight weight gain is by getting proper rest with the help of natural sleep supplements. Tiredness can cause certain hormones to be released. These hormones also increase appetite, causing people to eat more. Also, a lack of motivation to exercise often stems from a lack of proper slumber. This combination leads to rapid weight gain.

Insufficient rest can lead to the appearance of pre-diabetic symptoms. In addition, it negatively affects blood sugar. This leads to a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Decrease your Stress Levels

Natural sleep supplements can also affect stress hormones. This is part of the relationship between exhaustion and poor cardiovascular health. Proper rest can lower stress, thus reducing blood pressure. Also, a full night of slumber gives you the ability to handle stress and anxiety better, which can result in a lower risk of headaches.

Sleep Can Boost Your Athletic Performance

The right amount of slumber has a positive effect on athletic performance. Getting a solid eight hours in at night can improve hand-eye coordination, speed, and endurance. In addition, getting enough rest leads to faster muscle recovery. For professional athletes and amateurs alike in Clearwater, catching enough Zs can be just the thing your body needs to take your skills to the next level.

Clearwater Nutrition Lab’s Healthy Sleep Supplements

Clearwater Nutrition Lab offers natural sleep supplements made of high-quality ingredients like organic herbs and vitamins. Also, we offer other beneficial products that function as anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and immune support aids. Our goal is to provide natural dietary products to healthcare professionals in order to help their patients lead high-quality, healthy lives. To find out what high-quality nutritional aids we can offer you, contact us online or call us at (813) 766-2289.

Are HCG Injections Safe and Tested?

Are HCG Injections Safe and Tested?

Despite decades of testing, researchers have yet still to discover any particular danger with HCG injections. Human chorionic gonadotropin is the hormone that naturally occurs in large quantities in the bodies of pregnant women. Scientists believe it converts fat storage deposits into energy to keep the mother going and help the child grow. The first tests in the 1930s were done to monitor the health of the women. However, in the 1950s, it came to the attention of researchers like Dr. Albert Theodore William Simeons. His studies brought him towards its benefits and potential. Dr. Simeons was researching a working weight loss solution for obesity. His discoveries are still the subject of much debate and experimentation. However, the diet protocol, alongside HCG injections, has shown promise in targeting unsightly fat storage deposits.

HCG Injections with the Diet

Even with the rise of trends like the paleo diet, many people across the United States are overweight. Individuals who are overweight may have a difficult time dieting. Even if you do follow a diet, it does not mean you will shed pounds. The body can slow down its metabolism in times of stress. The body also releases tons of stress chemicals when it is lacking food. A very low-calorie diet does not work well without HCG injections. During use, the hormone balances out the body’s metabolism. Also, other diets may make it so you lose muscle mass instead of fat. A significant benefit of the shots is that it changes the way the body uses fat. Abnormal fat refers to fat deposits that are hard to remove. Abnormal storage areas typically center around the arms, stomach, and chin. The diet and shots routine provides additional benefits like:

  • Reduction in hunger pains
  • Clearer thinking during a very low-calorie diet (VLCD)
  • Faster weight loss
  • Is repeatable after a resting period

After Using HCG Injections

People often question how effective the protocol is in keeping pounds off. Since HCG injections affect the way the body metabolizes, most dieters do not regain weight. The part of your body that loses the pounds are not the typical reserves that quickly build up.

To get shots and other supplements that benefit weight loss, contact USHCGshots.com. For safe and easy to use injections, you can order online or by calling (855) 862-9510 for more information.

Are HCG Injections Safe and Tested?

Are HCG Injections Safe and Tested?

Despite decades of testing, researchers have yet still to discover any particular danger with HCG injections. Human chorionic gonadotropin is the hormone that naturally occurs in large quantities in the bodies of pregnant women. Scientists believe it converts fat storage deposits into energy to keep the mother going and help the child grow. The first tests in the 1930s were done to monitor the health of the women. However, in the 1950s, it came to the attention of researchers like Dr. Albert Theodore William Simeons. His studies brought him towards its benefits and potential. Dr. Simeons was researching a working weight loss solution for obesity. His discoveries are still the subject of much debate and experimentation. However, the diet protocol, alongside HCG injections, has shown promise in targeting unsightly fat storage deposits.

HCG Injections with the Diet

Even with the rise of trends like the paleo diet, many people across the United States are overweight. Individuals who are overweight may have a difficult time dieting. Even if you do follow a diet, it does not mean you will shed pounds. The body can slow down its metabolism in times of stress. The body also releases tons of stress chemicals when it is lacking food. A very low-calorie diet does not work well without HCG injections. During use, the hormone balances out the body’s metabolism. Also, other diets may make it so you lose muscle mass instead of fat. A significant benefit of the shots is that it changes the way the body uses fat. Abnormal fat refers to fat deposits that are hard to remove. Abnormal storage areas typically center around the arms, stomach, and chin. The diet and shots routine provides additional benefits like:

  • Reduction in hunger pains
  • Clearer thinking during a very low-calorie diet (VLCD)
  • Faster weight loss
  • Is repeatable after a resting period

After Using HCG Injections

People often question how effective the protocol is in keeping pounds off. Since HCG injections affect the way the body metabolizes, most dieters do not regain weight. The part of your body that loses the pounds are not the typical reserves that quickly build up.

To get shots and other supplements that benefit weight loss, contact USHCGshots.com. For safe and easy to use injections, you can order online or by calling (855) 862-9510 for more information.

Looking for The Best HCG Shots? Choose US HCG Injections

Looking for The Best HCG Shots? Choose US HCG Injections

As someone looking to lose weight, HCG shots are the best choice. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin will allow you to consume a low-calorie diet without feeling hungry, irritable, losing muscle mass, and suffering from the other unwanted side effects of a low-calorie diet. This means you can lose as much as one pound a day while taking the injections. This method is an effective and reliable way to flush the excess fat out of your body without starving or wasting away.

Choosing the Best Retailer for HCG Shots

Finding the right source for HCG shots can be complicated. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin injections are regulated substances, although the hormone does occur naturally in the human body. You will need a prescription from a medical doctor if you want authentic, high-quality HCG. While some retailers offer over-the-counter Human Chorionic Gonadotropin products, these are not authentic because they do not require a prescription. Usually, non-prescription products contain fillers, additives, and such low dosages of the hormone that they are not effective for weight loss.

Why Choose USHCGInjections?

USHCGInjections offers prescription-grade injections at an affordable price. They have their own pharmacist and medical doctor on staff who you can speak with over the phone to consult with for a prescription. Plus, once you receive your prescription, you can place your order online, meaning you never even have to leave your house to get your prescription and receive your HCG shots.

Other Products USHCGInjections.com Offers

HCG shots pair well with other supplements and vitamins for health and wellness. USHCGInjections.com offers other products, including

  • HCG Injections: 28- and 56-day injections kits
  • HCG Combo Kits
  • Lipotropics: Lipo (10 and 30ml) and MIC injections
  • HCG Drops: 30-day kit with B12
  • Vitamins and Amino Acids: B12 cyanocobalamin shots, B12 methylcobalamin, glutathione

Lose Weight Fast with HCG Injections

If you want to lose as much as a pound a day, choose Human Chorionic Gonadotropin injections to flush away excess fat with ease. Daily injections help balance the body’s metabolism, giving it the boost it needs to function optimally and shed extra weight. USHCGInjections.com has been helping clients since 2007 with their nutrition and weight loss needs. They make sure that clients have easy access to safe, healthy, affordable, and high-quality products. Contact them via phone at (855) 862-9510 or online today to place an order.

Why You Should Choose a Chiropractor for Athletes

Why You Should Choose a Chiropractor for Athletes

Anybody that plays sports knows the feeling of waking up the next day aching from head to toe. Whether you toss the pigskin or pump iron, too many tackles, too much sprinting, or too many serves can very quickly take a toll on the body. Especially as the years begin to catch up to the body, it can almost be enough to make a person want to stop playing altogether. But quitting is not an option for people that truly love the game. Using traditional and non-traditional chiropractic techniques, including top-of-the-line technology, a chiropractor for athletes can pinpoint the underlying cause of your pain, not just relieve the pain, and help get you back onto the field faster.

Chiropractic Services Vs. Traditional Sports Medicine

In the past, pain and injury from sports have been treated with expensive drugs. These drugs, however, can leave the body feeling tired and weak, or with months of physical therapy. These kinds of treatments may help relieve the pain temporarily, but they rarely address the underlying problems that cause the chronic or recurring sports-related pain. However, potentially worse than that is the possibility of having to have surgery. A chiropractor for athletes uses a different style of treatment that focuses on determining the root cause of the pain, instead of simply masking the pain. Through an advanced approach, chiropractic treatment can correct NeuroStructural shifts that cause the body pain while exercising or playing sports, and relieve the pain, as well as the underlying causes.


What is a NeuroStructural Shift?

The skeleton is the framework that provides structure for your muscles. The spine is the most important part of your skeleton. You take care of your muscles every time you work out or play sports. Question is, do you take care of your spine? A chiropractor for athletes can help. NeuroStructural shifts occur when the spine moves, due to time or trauma. The shift prevents the spine from operating at its full potential. When the bones in the spine are misaligned, even a small amount, pain or weakness can occur throughout the body. This pain can severely affect the way you play.

Many athletes that experience pain from playing sports are tempted to look for traditional methods of dealing with their pain. These methods usually involve costly medical bills and prescription drugs. However, a chiropractor for athletes can use non-traditional chiropractic techniques that are often able to fix problems related to NeuroStructural shifts without medication or surgery.

How Can a Chiropractor for Athletes Relieve Sports-Related Pain?

Using high-tech instruments and the latest chiropractic techniques, a chiropractor for athletes can help patients get back to their peak performance. Some chiropractic techniques include live motion radiography, similar to an X-ray, which allows the doctor to pinpoint exactly where your pain is coming from, cold laser technology, which can reduce pain and inflammation, and massage therapy, which helps alleviate pain. The chiropractic adjustment technique is designed to help eliminate your pain using light pressure and applied to specific areas of your body and spine.

Accident Injury Chiropractor

Accident Injury Chiropractor

Getting into an accident is often one of the hardest experiences someone can go through. While a victim may believe that they are fine, they cannot be sure without a proper medical examination. An accident injury chiropractor can ease the pains of your recovery. Also, with the right treatment, you can prevent future damage and catch problems early on. Injuries, particularly those of the spine, can be hard to discern without the right imaging technology and expertise.

Often, individuals may feel fine other than some slight tingling in the lower back or their extremities. However, this is a sign that the signals going through your spine may be experiencing disruptions. As time goes on without corrective treatment, the symptoms will not let up, and may even continue to worsen.

Visiting an experienced accident injury chiropractor can help you reduce the frequency and severity of your discomfort. In some cases, with treatment, the pain may even go away altogether. Conditions like muscle or tendon strains are often temporary and require proper healing and exercise to correct. Other injuries, such as spinal misalignments, can require corrective treatment. Depending on your situation, a couple of sessions can show improvements and quickly change your mental and physical wellbeing. If you were part of an accident that resulted in an injury, do not hesitate to contact an accident injury chiropractor.

How Effective is Treatment from An Accident Injury Chiropractor?

When medical professionals refer to modern or western medicine, they are merely referring to mainstream treatments. Modern medicine relates to the standard system of medical practice currently in use by hospitals and doctors. While chiropractic treatment, particularly non-traditional techniques, uses new information and technology, it does not rely on medication. If you are suffering from injuries, then researchers have good news for you. For decades, researchers have wondered if non-invasive chiropractic treatment can be an alternative to modern medicine and most agree that it has a significant positive effect.

With an accident injury chiropractor, patients can avoid dangerous surgeries and painkillers. With how expensive and detrimental certain painkillers can be, the idea of a more natural solution to specific injuries has always been of interest. If you do not want to rely on pills with harmful side effects, you can instead rely on a healthy alternative. Not only that, but chiropractic care can be even more effective than prescription medications in some instances. If medicine does not seem to work for you, then a natural treatment may be more efficient. While pain relief can be essential to healing, exercise and physical therapy are also crucial. An accident injury chiropractor can positively impact a patient’s rehabilitation. Using technology and physical therapy to improve health without invasive procedures makes it easier for patients to focus on their daily recovery.

Major Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment

Even though chiropractic treatment is beneficial because of non-invasive and effective methods, it also holds significant additional benefits. Seminole residents who consistently visit an accident injury chiropractor can experience:

  • Less pain and aches throughout the body
  • Improved movement and range of motion
  • Reduced joint inflammation
  • Increased blood flow and nerve function

By ridding the body of spinal misalignments, you can experience a variety of benefits. If you were in an accident, then chances are you may be experiencing lower back pain or other physical discomforts. While the cause for this discomfort may sometimes merely be soft tissue damage, an accident injury chiropractor may discover a spinal misalignment that will not go away without treatment. In fact, misalignments tend to grow more and more out of place and affect other vertebrae if not taken care of.

How to Prepare For Herniated Disc Therapy

How to Prepare For Herniated Disc Therapy

Don’t ignore physical strain in Largo, especially if it’s in your back. Bulges or slips create tension, whether you feel it or not, and you might need herniated disc therapy. Since indications vary from person to person, not everyone gets the help they need. Your desire to work with a chiropractor is a great start! We can help you prepare for your first appointment.

Establish Yourself with a Chiropractor, If Needed

First, you need to choose a chiropractor to work with. There are many options around Largo, so do your research before picking one at random. If they don’t offer the services you need, you’re not using your time or money well. Ask for input from trusted individuals, and see if insurance provides coverage. You may have worked with a chiropractic care professional in the past. If you liked their approach, confirm that they offer herniated disc therapy and set an appointment.

Wear Comfortable Clothing

Chiropractic adjustments require movement, and loose fitting clothing makes this process easier. If you have to fit your session in during your lunch break, make sure you pack a change of clothes to wear during your meeting with the spinal doctor. It might seem inconvenient, but it’s even harder to complete therapeutic techniques in restrictive outfits.

Be Open to Treatment Options

Whether you’ve been to a chiropractor before or this is your first consultation, it’s important to stay open to suggested treatment methods. Even if corrective exercises or massage are unfamiliar to you, they could promote the healing process in Largo.

Specific Considerations If Using a Walk-In Clinic

If you seek out herniated disc therapy at a walk-in clinic, your approach will vary from those with an appointed session. That’s because all you have to do is show up and sign in. Make the process go smoothly by bringing:

  • Identification and insurance card
  • Medical records to complete forms
  • Something to read during your wait
  • Patience in the event of a wait

As you can see, we keep things pretty simple at Coastal Chiropractic! All we need is clients who are understanding of a possible wait, as well as materials for our office staff. Walk-in clinics are the ideal approach for anyone that needs immediate pain relief.

Coastal Chiropractic for Herniated Disc Therapy

Come to Coastal Chiropractic for a spinal assessment. You might discover you need herniated disc therapy or one of our other services:

  • Foot scanning
  • Spinal thermography
  • Exercise rehabilitation
  • Postural examination
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Walk-in clinic

For more information about our facility in Largo, call us today at 727-581-2774.

6 Tips for Locating the Best Chiropractic Clinic

6 Tips for Locating the Best Chiropractic Clinic

If you are in physical distress, you will not have the time to look for the best chiropractic clinic in St. Petersburg. The strain or discomfort might make you feel desperate to see a practitioner, but what if you get subpar service? There are many reasons to visit a chiropractor— back problems, stiff shoulders, trouble sleeping, sports injuries, and more. Instead of choosing a spinal doctor at random, consider these tips.

1. Identify Your Needs

Pain relief might be your main priority, at first, but consider other aims that a chiropractor can help you achieve. After all, adjustments and exercises will help you reduce discomfort, but preventative action can keep issues from recurring. You might also be interested in improving your posture, losing some pounds, or returning to your favorite sport. By looking at your goals and needs, you have an idea of what to look for from providers.

2. Locate a Facility with Multiple Services

Look beyond your needs and goals in St. Petersburg to locate the best chiropractic clinic. You might benefit from a service that you are unfamiliar with, and if the chiropractor does not offer it, you will miss out. Choose someone with multiple utilities so you can get the assistance you need at a single facility.

3. Conduct Research

Before you even make an appointment, go to the drawing board and complete some research. For some, this means asking around at the office. For others, it involves checking with insurance or reading online reviews. However you pursue information in St. Petersburg, do so thoroughly.

4. Schedule a Consultation

Several chiropractors offer initial appointment promotions so that you can conduct an interview with them at little cost. If you are undecided, call around to see which facility offers the greatest deal or is at a convenient location to you. Making an appointment with the best chiropractic clinic is a simple step in a positive direction!

5. Assess Your Comfort Level

Once you have completed your initial visit, check in with how you feel.

  • Did you have to wait long?
  • Was it easy to check in?
  • Were staff members polite?
  • How clear was communication?
  • What made you comfortable?
  • Did anything make you uncomfortable?

No matter how close by or affordable a facility is, your comfort level will point you to the best chiropractic clinic in St. Petersburg.

6. Choose the Best Chiropractic Clinic in St. Petersburg

No need to spend time searching— Bond Thomas is the best chiropractic clinic in the Bay area! Not only are we dedicated to our clients, but we also strive to help them reach optimal wellness with services and programs like:

  • Physical therapy
  • Wellness for all ages
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Auto accident injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Massage

These therapeutic services compliment manual adjustments, and we can help St. Petersburg residents discover their best self! Call 727-522-1900 to set an appointment or discuss our medical approach.