5 Things to Look For In a Chiropractic Clinic
If you are searching for a nearby chiropractic clinic in the 33762 zip code in northern St. Petersburg, it’s vital that residents know what to look for. Not everyone in Pinellas County understands how to locate the best chiropractor to assist them, so we’ve compiled some advice to improve your search results!
1. Open and Clear Communication
It is possible to locate the most renowned spinal professional in the Bay area, but if communicating with them is difficult, your experience will not be a successful one. Your practitioner should be easy to talk to so that you feel at ease asking questions and responding to theirs. Without openness, you may withhold health history details from them, and if they are not checking in with you, they could exacerbate an existing injury. An initial consultation is a prime opportunity to assess your comfort level with the doctor and their facility.
2. Non-Traditional Services
If you wish to locate non-traditional services in St. Petersburg in the 33762 zip code, you will need to do research to confirm what is available at the chiropractic clinic. Most chiropractors offer manual adjustments, but not everyone provides specialized techniques like:
- Precision spinal adjuster
- NeuroStructural shifts
- Muscular adhesion relief
- Live motion radiographs
- Infrared analysis
When you seek out a provider who offers non-traditional services, you can see quicker healing.
3. Physical Therapy Programs
Along with non-traditional services, like NeuroStructural Shifts and muscular adhesion relief, make sure the facility offers physical therapy programs. This can be applied to old injuries that nag you on occasion or for newfound chronic pains. Whether you have been in an auto accident in St. Petersburg or have a sports injury, corrective exercises can assist you in recovering.
4. Offers Complementary Services
Keep an eye out for chiropractic clinic services that complement your spinal adjustments, like cold laser or massage therapy. These methods target particular aches and strains and assist with releasing pent up toxins in the body. When a chiropractor offers additional treatments on site, you only have to make one trip in Pinellas County!
5. A Chiropractic Clinic Where You Get Results
When looking for a chiropractic clinic in the 33762 zip code of the Bay area, you want to select a practitioner who gets you results. By that, we mean targeted, individualized treatment plans and successful recovery! The team at Get Results Chiropractic wants St. Petersburg residents to experience optimal wellness, and assistance from a chiropractor can help you achieve this. Call 727-279-7100 to learn more about our non-traditional techniques and physical therapy program.